Module traceon.typing

Global variables

var ActiveLines

Active lines in a mesh as a tuple of LinesVertices, an (N, 4, 3) NumPy array of float representing the line, and a dictionary mapping the names of the physical groups to an (N,) NumPy array of int representing the line indices.

var ActiveTriangles

Active triangles in a mesh as a tuple of TrianglesVertices, an (N, 3, 3) NumPy array of float points representing the triangles, and a dictionary mapping the names of the physical groups to an (N,) NumPy array of int representing the triangle indices.

var ArrayFloat

1.1.1 Array

var ArrayInt

1.2.1 Array

var ArrayLikeFloat

A NumPy array of float with arbitrary shape or a sequence of float.

var ArrayLikeFloat1D

A one-dimensional NumPy array of float or a sequence of float.

var ArrayLikeFloat2D

A two-dimensional NumPy array of float or a sequence of one-dimensional ArrayLikeFloat1D.

var ArrayLikeFloat3D

A three-dimensional NumPy array of float or a sequence of ArrayLikeFloat2D.

var ArrayLikeInt

A NumPy array of int with arbitrary shape or a sequence of int.

var ArrayLikeInt1D

A one-dimensional NumPy array of int or a sequence of int.

var ArrayLikeInt2D

A two-dimensional NumPy array of int or a sequence of ArrayLikeInt1D.

var ArrayLikeInt3D

A three-dimensional NumPy array of int or a sequence of ArrayLikeInt2D.

var Bounds3D

Three-dimensional bounds [(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max)] as (3, 2) NumPy array of float.

var BoundsLike3D

Three-dimensional bounds [(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max)] as (3, 2) NumPy array of float or a sequence of _BoundLike objects.

var Line

Index representation of a line as (2,) or (4,) NumPy array of int for regular and higher-order lines respectively.

var LineLike

Index representation of a line as (2,) or (4,) NumPy array or sequence of int for regular and higher-order lines respectively.

var LineVertices

Vertex representation of a line as (2, 3) or (4, 3) NumPy array of float for regular and higher-order lines respectively.

var Lines

Index representation of a batch of lines as (N, 2) or (N, 4) NumPy array of int for regular and higher-order lines respectively.

var LinesLike

Index representation of a batch of lines as (N, 2) or (N, 4) NumPy array or sequence of LineLike objects for regular and higher-order lines respectively.

var LinesVertices

Vertex representation of a batch of lines as (N, 2, 3) or (N, 4, 3) NumPy array of float for regular and higher-order lines respectively.

var Point2D

Two-dimensional point as (2,) NumPy array of float.

var Point3D

A three-dimensional point as (3,) NumPy array of float.

var PointLike2D

Two-dimensional point as (2,) NumPy array or sequence of float.

var PointLike3D

A three-dimensional point as (3,) NumPy array or sequence of float.

var Points2D

Batch of two-dimensional points as (N, 2) NumPy array of float.

var Points3D

Batch of three-dimensional points as (N, 3) NumPy array of float.

var PointsLike2D

Batch of two-dimensional points as (N, 2) NumPy array of float or sequence of two-dimensional Pointlike2D objects.

var PointsLike3D

Batch of three-dimensional points as (N, 3) NumPy array of float or sequence of PointLike3D objects.

var Quad

Index representation of quadrilaterals (depth, i0, i1, j1, j2) as (5,) NumPy array of int.

var QuadLike

Index representation of quadrilaterals (depth, i0, i1, j1, j2) as (5,) NumPy array or sequence of int.

var Quads

Index representation of a batch of quadrilaterals (depth, i0, i1, j1, j2) as (N, 5) NumPy array of int.

var QuadsLike

Index representation of a batch of quadrilaterals (depth, i0, i1, j1, j2) as (N, 5) NumPy array of int or sequence of QuadLike objects.

var Triangle

Index representation of a triangle as (3,) or (6,) NumPy array of int for regular and higher-order triangles respectively.

var TriangleLike

Index representation of a triangle as (3,) or (6,) NumPy array or sequence of int for regular and higher-order triangles respectively.

var TriangleVertices

Vertex representation of a triangle as (3, 3) or (6, 3) NumPy array of float for regular and higher-order triangles respectively.

var Triangles

Index representation of a batch of triangles as (N, 3) or (N, 6) NumPy array of int for regular and higher-order triangles respectively.

var TrianglesLike

Index representation of a batch of triangles as (N, 3) or (N, 6) NumPy array of int or sequence of TriangleLike objects for regular and higher-order triangles respectively.

var TrianglesVertices

Vertex representation of a batch of triangles as (N, 3, 3) or (N, 6, 3) NumPy array of float for regular and higher-order triangles respectively.

var Vector2D

Two-dimensional vector as (2,) NumPy array of float.

var Vector3D

Three-dimensional vector as (3,) NumPy array of float.

var VectorLike2D

Two-dimensional vector as (2,) NumPy array or sequence of float.

var VectorLike3D

Three-dimensional vector as (3,) NumPy array or sequence of float.

var Vectors2D

Batch of two-dimensional vectors as (N, 2) NumPy array of float.

var Vectors3D

Batch of three-dimensional vectors as (N, 3) NumPy array of float.

var VectorsLike2D

Batch of two-dimensional vectors as (N, 2) NumPy array of float or sequence of VectorLike2D objects.

var VectorsLike3D

Batch of three-dimensional vectors as (N, 3) NumPy array of float or sequence of VectorLike3D objects.