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Boundary element method

Unlike traditional finite element methods, Traceon only needs the boundary mesh to compute the fields. This greatly reduces the problem size and improves accuracy.

Fast Multipole Method

Traceon employs the Fast Multipole Method to scale simulations to millions of triangles. A new and high performance implementation of this algorithm has been developed.

Accurate and fast particle tracing

Traceon uses advanced mathematical formulas to make accurate approximations of the fields around the optical axis. Unique for the boundary element method is that these approximations can be made analytically.


Thanks to the method of reduced potential, Traceon also allows magnetostatic fields to be computed. Also modules which combine electrostatic and magnetostatic elements are fully supported.

Convenient Python interface

Traceon is distributed as a package for the programming language you know and love: Python. This familiar programming language allows complete automation of every workflow.

Parametric mesher

Traceon comes with a parametric meshes which produces highly structured meshes. In this manner geometric symmetries are easily reproduced in your mesh. Importing standard mesh formats is also supported.